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August 12, 2008

So what now?

Reading has always been a priority for me - I just read Young Zorro: The Iron Brand, and liked it - not loved it, but for me, and many other people, watching the Olympics is spectacular. Who else could have thought up all of those opening ceremony tricks and preformances? Who else could create those stadiums in such short notice?
Well, to put it far off, I don't have to go raving on about how America is doing, and how China is doing.

So what should I blog about? The new face of minkster blog? (thanks to google, I now can put games and more images and more widgets (smaller programs that you can run on a website or blog) on minkster blog. So thanks to google for that.

Maybe I'll just play a few games down below... maybe.

Well, the countdown to the plane to China, and the Olympics for me. Also (not to be all high up and braggy), airplanes are cold and stuffy. Someone should come up with a better solution for air circulation. Oh, well.


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