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December 11, 2008

Can you hear this?

Some newspapers have talked about the "invisible" ring tone, that only teens can hear is here. Check this site out: for the "mosquito rings"

Incase you wanted to look at my menu, here it is... I haven't updated yet.

New "check this out" Icons include - drum roll - the "area 52" icon set. pretty awesome and modern; a mix of alien and apple. Check it out.

Now a important announcement:
minkster is now back in the USA. Unexpectedly. Very, very, unexpectedly. well, I'm here in the US now, so no worries.


Book of the week: The Hunger Games

1 comment:

Justina Chen said...

Nope! Can't hear a single high-pitched eeeeeeeeep with these old ears of mine!
